Asociația Re/Creativ reprezinta Romania la Grundvig Workshop “Richness of Turkish Handcrafts Colors”.
Workshop-ul cu durata de o saptamana este organizat in Polatl| Ankara-Turcia. Programul include o serie de ateliere dedicate artelor otomane EBRU si vizite in vile si muzee care sa evidentieze mestesugurile traditionale.
Tarile prezente in cadrul acestor ateliere sunt: Croatia, Latvia, Bulgaria, Germania, Slovacia si binenteles Turcia.
Re / Creative Association represents Romania at Grundtvig Workshop "Richness of Turkish Handcrafts Colors".
The Workshops lasting one week are held in Polatl | Ankara, Turkey. The program includes a series of workshops dedicated to arts and visits EBRU Ottoman mansions and museums that highlight traditional crafts.
The countries present in these workshops are: Croatia, Latvia, Bulgaria, Germany, Slovakia and of course Turkey.
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